Working in the Community
Leitrim Development Company is responsible for a number of different avenues you can take to re-enter the labour market. We provide a range of options that will suit your own personal circumstances, whether you are a farmer, long-term unemployed or wishing to re-train. We work in conjunction with over 150 Community Groups & Voluntary Organisations in County Leitrim to meet local community needs. At present we have over 275 people working on six employment / training initiatives in County Leitrim. Our team of fully-trained staff is available to assist you in exploring your employment options.
The Employment Programmes we facilitate in the community are as follows:
- Rural Social Scheme (RSS)
- Tús Programme
- Childcare Programme (CE)
- Environmental Maintenance (CE)
- Community Enhancement (CE)
- Job Initiative
Please take a look at the information available or for further information on individual programmes or contact:
Karen Guihen – Labour Market Scheme Scheme Co-ordinator
Leitrim Development Company,
Church Street,
Co Leitrim
Tel: 071 9641770 ext. 202 or Email: