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Job Vacancies | Primary Healthcare Coordinator, Youth Worker & Afterschool Assistant

Leitrim Development Company has vacancies for the following positions in Shannonside Community Centre, Carrick on Shannon, Co. Leitrim.

  • Primary Healthcare Coordinator (21 hours per week over 3 days)
  • Youth Worker (10 hours per week over 3 days)
  • Afterschool Assistant (22 hours per week over 5 days)
The Primary Healthcare Coordinator will work with the Traveller…

New 'Jobs Board Bulletin' Available

Our Job Club has just launched the first issue of the new 'Jobs Board Bulletin' which is full of job listings in Leitrim and the surrounding areas. The Job Club Facebook Page has a new look and the Job Club Section of our website has also been updated. Find out more about our Job Club including information on jobs and supports available for jobseekers in Leitrim. Explore our website to find out…

Vacancies for Childcare Assistants (CE position)

Childcare Assistant Community Employment Vacancies

Leitrim Development Company Childcare CE Programme has vacancies for Childcare Assistants (CE position) in Co. Leitrim.

The duties will include working for 19.5hrs with children of different ages. Supporting each child's individual development, encouraging positive social skills, linking…

Job Vacancy | Rural Recreation Officer

Leitrim Development Company wishes to recruit a Rural Recreation Officer. The Rural Recreation Officer (RRO) will coordinate and oversee the management and enhancement of recreational / walking infrastructure within County Leitrim. The RRO will implement the Walks Scheme within the county and have a key role in marketing and promoting recreation and in paricular walking trails.They will assist local…

Childcare Assistant Community Employment Vacancies

Leitrim Development Company Childcare CE Programme has vacancies for Childcare Assistants (CE position) in Co. Leitrim. The duties will include working for 19.5hrs with children of different ages. Supporting each child's individual development, encouraging positive social skills, linking with parents and developing exciting & stimulating weekly plan for the children alongside the staff team. Participants…

Main Office

Church Street
Co. Leitrim N41 RF24

Tel: (071) 9641770
Fax: (071) 9641741

Sub Offices

Mohill Enterprise Centre
Co. Leitrim N41 Y4C0

Tel: (071) 9631715
Fax: (071) 9631895


New Line
Co. Leitrim F91 YK5R

Tel/Fax: (071) 9856016

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The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 -2027.

Leitrim Integrated Development Company Ltd - Reg. Office, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim. Reg. No. 451100

European Commission Website EAFRD

Department of Rural & Community Development

EU Funds Website

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