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All Welcome: Innovating Communities Training | Online Launch Event

We are inviting you to join us online for the launch of the Innovating Communities Project, this launch will outline what the project is all about and how you and your community can get involved in the training. For further information on the training or to register for the training visit The launch takes place Friday…

Basic Cookery Course for Adults with Additional Needs

Basic Cookery Course for Adults living in Leitrim with Additional Needs (18 years +). Course delivered by Eileen's Kitchen Table (online videos).

What does the course entail?

  • Access to 6 step by step videos on how to cook some simple meals.
  • Each lesson can be viewed multiple times over 7 weeks.
  • Ideally each week the learner moves on to the next class.
  • Recipes…

Zoom and Microsoft Teams Training for Community Group Members

Leitrim Development Company are delivering a training programme on using Zoom and Microsoft Teams for members of community groups. This course will involve one hour of training per week over a four week period commencing on Thursday 18th February. There will be pre-support by telephone to ensure that everyone can log onto the training. This course is free and is funded by the Social Inclusion and…

Engaging Farmers in Social Farming (SoEngage Plus)

Did you know, Leitrim Development Company is a partner in the SoEngage Plus project funded through the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of Vocational Education and Training). The overall objective of SoEngage Plus is to support farmers to learn about and engage in social farming and to promote their social farm supports for the economic benefit and…

Artisan, Micro & Small Food Producer Funding

Funding of up to 75% available under the Rural Development LEADER Transitional Programme

Are you thinking of setting up a food business? Are you a farmer thinking of processing your own food? Is your existing food business interested in funding for capital items such as machinery or equipment to increase your production quality? Are you interested in marketing your food business?…

Main Office

Church Street
Co. Leitrim N41 RF24

Tel: (071) 9641770
Fax: (071) 9641741

Sub Offices

Mohill Enterprise Centre
Co. Leitrim N41 Y4C0

Tel: (071) 9631715
Fax: (071) 9631895


New Line
Co. Leitrim F91 YK5R

Tel/Fax: (071) 9856016

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The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 -2027.

Leitrim Integrated Development Company Ltd - Reg. Office, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim. Reg. No. 451100

European Commission Website EAFRD

Department of Rural & Community Development

EU Funds Website

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