Leitrim PPN
What is Leitrim Public Participation Network (PPN)?
A Public Participation Network (PPN) is a local network that allows local authorities to connect with community groups in their geographic area. Community groups register to join the PPN in their local authority area. The network gives citizens a greater say in local government decisions which affect their own communities. PPNs are set up under the remit of the Department of Rural and Community Development. Each local PPN nominates community representatives to different structures, such as the (LCDC) Local Community Development Committee, (SPC) Strategic Policy Committee or (JPC) Joint Policing Committee. In this way, the community has a voice at the table where decisions are being made. PPNs work with three types of group. These are community and voluntary groups, environmental groups, and groups supporting social inclusion.
The purpose of the PPN is to allow these groups to give input and have their voices heard within the formal decision-making structures of Leitrim County Council and other committees and boards. Whenever the local authority and other committees need people to participate in consultations or sit on the committees that form policies it will call on the PPN to select these people from amongst its members. It does not cost anything to register with the PPN and all eligible voluntary, community and environmental groups are encouraged to register.
Who can join Leitrim PPN?
To join the PPN, a group must:
· Be active in Leitrim County
· Have more than five (5) members
· Be non-party political and non-sectarian
· Have a minimum of six months in existence
The benefits of joining Leitrim PPN
· Valuable local and regional networking opportunities
· Greater access to regular community news and information through Leitrim PPN social media, an e bulletin is circulated every two weeks to all groups
· The opportunity to advertise members activities via the PPN e bulletin & social media
· Highlighting of Training and Funding opportunities, Consultations & Submissions
· Potential to influence policy making decisions relevant to County Leitrim
· Ability to be part of a Linkage Groups, Linkage groups bring together organisations with a common interest to discuss their views and interests in a specific policy area linked to Committee or Board with PPN Representation. Each Member Group is encouraged to join one or more of the 3 PPN’s Linkage Groups.
If you are a member group you can e mail any activities you are holding to info@leitrimppn.ie for inclusion in the fortnightly e bulletin and social media. If you wish to be added to the e bulletin subscription let the team know. For further details about Leitrim PPN visit the PPN Website www.leitrimpnn.ie