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Employment / Self-Employment

Services to the unemployed

Our aim is to engage with marginalised target groups/individuals and residents of disadvantaged communities who are unemployed but who do not fall within mainstream employment service provision or who are referred to SICAP to move them closer to the labour market and improve work readiness, and support them in accessing employment and creating social enterprise opportunities. We have 3 main objectives;

1) To operate a range of services to support long term unemployed and youth to enter the labour market.

The service provided will act as the gateway, or access point, to the full range of opportunities which are available to enable a long-term unemployed person enter/re-enter the labour market. The services provided will be tailored to the needs of each individual client and the local environment within which they operate. Leitrim Development Company will provide a one-to-one support based on personal progression plans and support through all stages of development. An additional service provided is Leitrim Job Club, a 4 week programme aimed at assisting those who are considered job ready to prepare them for entry to the labour market will be offered.

2) To provide a targeted and tailored support programme to assist long term unemployed (including youth) to become sustainably self-employed.

Leitrim Development Company has a responsibility to assist long term unemployed (including youth) to become sustainably self-employed. The term ‘sustainable’ will be at the forefront of the supports we provide and will be in the best interest of the service user. To ensure that people progress to sustainable self-employment we will implement a needs-led programme of supports based on each individual and through the development of personal progression plans. The principles of community development will be intrinsically linked to the supports provided and will be based on the bottom up development approach whereby service users identify and propose their own solutions.

3) To support social enterprises operating services in disadvantaged communities and to link individuals from target groups to employment opportunities in the sector.

Leitrim Development Company will play a role in training and enablement of social entrepreneurship across the county. We will engage Community Service Programmes delivering services across the county. The supports will be needs led based on consultation with the service providers.

Main Office

Church Street
Co. Leitrim N41 RF24

Tel: (071) 9641770
Fax: (071) 9641741

Sub Offices

Mohill Enterprise Centre
Co. Leitrim N41 Y4C0

Tel: (071) 9631715
Fax: (071) 9631895


New Line
Co. Leitrim F91 YK5R

Tel/Fax: (071) 9856016

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The Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) is co-funded by the Irish Government, through the Department of Rural and Community Development, and the European Social Fund Plus under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training (EIST) Programme 2021 -2027.

Leitrim Integrated Development Company Ltd - Reg. Office, Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim. Reg. No. 451100

European Commission Website EAFRD

Department of Rural & Community Development

EU Funds Website

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